Sunday, August 19, 2007

and then there was two...

So far you and I are the only ones....but I hope the kids join on soon. I always wanted to try my hand at blogging...hehee

Well, let's see, here in Cali it's hot and it got hot just in time for the State Fair. This year the "deep fried favorite" is deep fried avocados. Last year, we had cookies, year before it was a candy bar. You have got to at least try it once in order to say you hate it.

The house hasn't sold which, depending on who you talk to in this family, may or may not be a good thing. The area is high in foreclosures, unfortunately. The construction boom is definitely over. The construction/home improvement ads have tripled in the last three months.

Carmen is back in Santa Rosa, enjoying the beginning of her sophomore year in college. She has decided to become a Biology major and medicine looks like a career path for her. Alex is in his senior year in Dubuque. He decided on coaching as a career choice, actually coaching baseball is where his heart is at.

See if Bridget wants to hop on this train, Sis. I would love to hear what she has to say. Hopefully, you and I will get the hang of the "hi tech" stuff... :)

1 comment:

jerseygirl94 said...

hey everyone..this is bridget and yeah i just like signed up. well thanks for inviting me and how is everything out there? well i'll try to blog as much as i can! but right now i gotta go because i have a reading list for school i gotta do. Love to everyone! -bye